

Vasilis Kasouras was born in Katouna,Aitoloakarnania,in1963.
When he was still young he was occupied with Greek folk musik.He was taught by great teachers who were teaching «Baglama, Tzoyra and guitar» and then he started working with them.
In 1980 he studied Technikal Engineering in Thessaloniki and at the same time he assembled musik groups and took part in others.He gave many concerts all over North Greece singing folk and rembetika songs.
In 1985 he mostly paid attention and studied stringed instruments like Oud, Lauto,Tamboura and he was taught the written and oral tradition, culture by excellent teachers in South - East Mediterranean.
He took part in musikal festivals, concerts,theatrical performances, seminars and he gave many lektures in Greece and other foreign countries presenting a part of his studies and working with unique persons as : Nikos Papazoglou, Hronis Aidonidis, Ros Daly and many others.He teactes in musikal schools, he composes musik, he conducts traditional orchestras and he is responsible for orchestrasions in musikal productions.
He also teaches in a public supreme school in Ipiros (a supreme school of musical technology) folk and traditional music.
The most important thing in the last few years is that he had made recordings and studies about music events in Makedonia which can be found in C.D. with the signature of «Archives - Collection of Giorgis Melikis» under the quidance and cooperation of Giorgis Melikis

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Oligochords Roman composers of Constantinople from the 18th to the 20th centurys.

Traditional Greek songs praising the Virgin Mary and a composition by Kasouras Vassilis.